Thursday, May 3, 2012


I have decided for my final blog post to write about my posts on Chickamauga, The Passing Of Grandison, and my post on W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington. My post on Chickamauga I responded to the story talking about how the first thing that came to my mind when I read about the sight of all the soldiers was a zombie apocalypse. In my analysis of the Passing Of Grandison I explored the irony within the short story. Last but not least my post about Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois analyzed the different styles of Black pride and styles against racism.

I decided to respond to these three posts because of the content involved within each of them. I was really engaged with the readings that were tied to each of these postings and really felt like I had a connection with each one, especially The Passing of Grandison. Decker and I got a pretty good kick out of my connection with the Chickamauga story too. If you have seen Zombieland or The Walking Dead or even 28 Days Later then you know what I'm talking about. I can't believe nobody else even thought of that connection of soldiers injured and running at a little boy then my thought process was, RUN LITTLE BOY they are gonna eat you I found the whole story funny when I thought of it in that context. Then I went back and read it in a serious manner and realized its a super sad story. Eh oh well I had more fun the first time I read it anyways. As for this course and its impact on me and my views of literature, I have to say I have more motivation to read the things that I have an interest in. I still have little to zero motivation to read a book about slave chartering or anything along the lines of that but a book on World War II or a book on pottery! I'm sold! I don't know what it is specifically about slave embargo or troubles of slaves and minorities but I just plain don't like it. It does NOT grab my attention at all. Well we all know my weaknesses are just plain flat and simply reading the story and quizzes. The one thing that I have a major strength in is the analyzing of a piece. I don't know whether it's my artistic mind or what but I tend to get some meaning out of something and have evidence to back it up even if it is definitely not what is meant by the writer or commonly seen by others. For instance with my tie into the movie Remember The Titans. It was a perfect fit to our discussion story with a few differences. Well I think that because of my participation in class and my ability to contribute to the classroom discussion I deserve a B not a B- or a B+ just a B. I'm being honest because if I wasn't I would say I deserve an A I'm the golden child BLAH BLAH BLAH. I'm not though. Reason being why I say a B and not an A is because I missed a few blog posts and quite frankly my quiz scores weren't to great half the time. But because of what I brought to class mentally and discussion wise I deserve a B.

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